Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Sleeping Beauty

The story Sleeping Beauty was narrated by Aatman Vakil- 5 years at the annual reading program of Reading Rainbow in April 2007.

The Fisherman and his Wife

A popular folk tale told by Apurva Mishhra, Age 9 years and Aditya Patel (The Fish Prince) Age 9 years..

Tida Joshi- a puppet theatre in Hindi

An excerpt from the puppet theatre that was performed by the Reading Rainbow members during the annual reading program on April 22, 2007. Age group of the performers is 8 - 9 years. The length of this story has been reduced for easy viewing. The puppets used here were made by the the young memebers of the centre under the guidance of Mr Abhijit Kothari.
The performers are: Keya Patel- narrator
Apurva Mishhra- Tida Joshi
Jeetmanyu Chandan- Patel
Anushka Sharma - Nindrani
Pankti Ashar - King